Each day we enjoy a multitude of fun and educational activities including various life skills.
Health and welbeing are as important as having fun.
Join us - Learn something new - Have fun.
Breakfast if you child hasn’t eaten at home and free play.
Short circle time and wake up shake up - music and movement to get us ready for learning.
Playtime is available in the house and garden; this may include mark making, messy play, the explorer tray, construction, cooking, role play, daily fiddly fingers challenge, play dough, sand, cars and trains etc.
Snack time.
Guided learning - we often read a book or develop a child’s interest;
For example, if we are learning about winter, we might read a book about a snowman and then do some snowman crafts, sign a snowman song and play in the messy tray with pretend snow etc.
Reading or music and movement session, which may include using parachute, dancing favourite music, playing musical instruments, children choices of songs or using songs prompt cards or puppets.
12:30-1pm (ish)
Quite time - little ones might sleep or rest while the older children do adult guided learning activities with one of us.
Guided learning includes working on the ‘next step’ in your child’s learning journey and supporting learning through their current interest. We also introduce new learning during short, focused adult-guided sessions.
Free play. The children might role play, make some pictures with craft materials, do jigsaws or puzzles, make a puppet show etc, and play with the older children is always popular.
Reading or music and movement session.
Tea time.
Television and home time.
If you have any questions about your child’s daily routine, please ask.
MacMillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning.
we raised £155.60 with our fantastic bake sale.
On Monday 20th December we enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch and had fun with our Secret Santa.
Monday 20th December
Santa visited us for fun and games.
Wednesday 22nd December
Updated regularly. Please check back soon.
Copyright © Greenhaven Kids 2021. All Rights Reserved. Website by Austentatious Productions